Monthly Archives: August 2013

bottlepy authentication

Simple example:

Full project:

Using decorators:

Another simple decorators example:!topic/bottlepy/C9XSuw8Xxas

AuthKit assumes the setup to follow Pylons conventions and uses a lot of
exceptions that are specific to Pylons/paste. These are not handled by
Bottle or any WSGI server other than paste. It is not easy to use
AuthKit as a standalone middleware.

If all you want is basic HTTP authentication, all you need is already
Here is a decorator that checks for a valid (user, password) tuple in
‘request.auth’ and blocks unauthorized requests with a 401-error.

   from bottle import request, response, HTTPError
   def protected(check, realm="private", text="Access denied"):
     def decorator(func):
       def wrapper(*a, **ka):
         user, password = request.auth or (None, None)
         if user is None or not check(user, password):
           response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="%s"' % realm
           return HTTPError(401, text)
         return func(*a, **ka)
       return wrapper
     return decorator

Here is a working example:

   from bottle import route

   def check_valid_user(usr, pwd):
     ''' Return True if username and password are valid. '''
     return usr == 'admin' and pwd == 'secret'

   def secret():
     return "Secret"